

PPC Management – Pay Per Click Advertising

PPC Management – Pay Per Click Advertising

As a leading PPC marketing agency and a google ads agency, we often meet clients who are unhappy with their current paid search marketing performance and are looking to improve the overall efficiency of their account.

Our pay per click advertising approach is all about reaching your target audience and guiding users through the conversion process. By tailoring your PPC ads, and using highly relevant landing pages, we are able to help drive as many conversions as possible within your PPC budget.

Pay per click marketing has the potential to attract highly relevant visitors to your website, helping you to boost sales and generate more leads. Paid search is very different to organic search, although you appear in the search engine results page for searched terms, unlike organic search, Google pay per click campaigns, and Bing paid campaigns require the user to click on your ads (usually at the top and bottom of the SERP).

Achieving a profitable campaign can be challenging and time-consuming, requiring you to manage keyword bids and targeting whilst also reducing your overall spend.

When competition is fierce you have to stay ahead of a steep learning curve and your competitors, an experienced PPC advertising agency is the answer to help you get the most out of paid search tools.

Our paid search management techniques can help you to reach your target audience at every stage of the conversion journey, presenting them with engaging messaging throughout each step. By tracking all aspects of your campaign, we refine the messaging and optimise key elements to improve return on investment (ROI).


Are paid search and PPC the same?

Yes, these two terms both refer to the same marketing model, where advertisers pay a certain amount each time an ad of theirs is clicked. Paid search, PPC, Pay Per Click and search engine advertising are all interchangeable terms that refer to the same thing.

What determines cost per click?

Cost per click (CPC) is a metric determined by various factors. The main factor: your quality score, maximum bid and the ad rank of competitors who bid for the same keywords.

Why is Conversion Rate Optimisation important in PPC?

Conversion Rate Optimisation is useful in all aspects of digital marketing. However, when it comes to CRO in PPC, by optimising your conversion rate, you can ensure that users not only land on relevant pages, but by doing so they are presented with all of the information they need

The goal being for them to convert on that page, rather than leaving and potentially not converting (which would waste ad spend). The higher your conversion rate, the lower your cost per click, cost per conversion, but your ads also generally receive higher positions in the SERP.

What are negative keywords on Google Ads?

Negative keywords can be added to your Google Ads account to prevent your ads from showing for irrelevant queries, or to avoid crossover between ad groups and campaigns. For example you may have one ad group for exact brand terms, and one for customer support. You would therefore want to add negative keywords for customer service related terms to the specific campaign to avoid this showing to existing customers.

We know that industry jargon can sometimes be tricky to understand. For the ultimate list of A-Z industry terms.